Shopping addict.


Decisamente pronto ad affrontare il piacevole pomeriggio di shopping con la sua padroncina M.!  😉  (Che e’ una mia amica).

Due parole sugli orari  di apertura dei negozi in Finlandia,  che sono totalmente liberalizzati.  Generalmente i supermercati e ipermercati sono aperti dalle 7-8 del mattino alle 21 o anche 23,  dal lunedì al venerdì;  sabato e domenica chiudono prima:  verso le 18.  I piccoli negozi di paese,  ormai quasi completamente spariti in favore dei grandi centri commerciali,  di norma sono chiusi il sabato pomeriggio e la domenica.  Le grandi catene di negozi di sport o abbigliamento all’interno dei centri commerciali seguono gli orari dei supermercati.  Le farmacie hanno turni di apertura,  come in Italia.

Shopping Addict.

He is nothing but ready for the fun afternoon shopping with his beloved master M. (a friend of mine)!  😉

A brief word about shops opening times in Finland,  which are totally free.   Supermarkets and food markets are generally open Mo-Fri from 7/8 a.m. to 9/11 p.m. On Sat-Sun they close earlier:  at 6 p.m.  So do the big sports and clothing shop-chains within shopping malls.   Old style small private shops in town centres have almost completely disappeared in favour of large shopping malls,  anyway they are generally closed on Saturday afternoon and Sunday.  Apothecaries take turns,  as well as in Italy.


31 risposte a "Shopping addict."

  1. I’m glad that we still have small, specialist shops on our local high street as I do not like shopping in big stores although having many items under one roof is convenient. The only big store we go to is for a weekly food shopping trip.

    "Mi piace"

  2. Hahaha ha ha, not what I was expecting, LOL! When I clicked, I thought I was about to read about various shopping addicts, how it starts, what it means etc etc etc. Congratulations, you’re the first self confessed shopping addict that I have seen 🙂 Great post and picture.

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Thank you for your appreciation, but, sorry to disappoint you, I am not a shopping addict at all and the dog is not mine…it was following its master to a shopping centre…I am just the photographer! 🙂 I’d better clarify this in the post, perhaps it is not so clear…oops!

    "Mi piace"

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