La sirenetta.


La sirenetta piu’ nota:  la statua  sul porto di Copenhagen,  che ho visto grazie all’amica Anna  qualche tempo fa.


Una sirenetta “spiaggiata” ma graziosissima,  che qualche artista ha realizzato sulla sabbia di Senigallia la scorsa estate.


Una sirenetta inaspettata:  una banderuola dalle forme perfette  che sventola su una casa di Tammela.


Un’immagine erotica della sirenetta,  presa all’amo nel porticciolo di Garda.

The little mermaid.   The first mermaid is the most famous:  she is sitting in the harbour of Copenhagen; I saw it a few years ago together with my friend Anna.  The second is artistic:  I shot it on Senigallia beach,  last summer.  The third is totally unexpected:  its perfect shape turns in the wind on a roof at Tammela.  The last one is the sexiest;  it is a boat name in Garda.

10 risposte a "La sirenetta."

  1. I wonder why there is no choice of English in the choices for translation at the sidebar. I’ve seen The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen following the footsteps of Hans Christian Andersen. I didn’t know it is just that little and not truly very attractive commensurate with the fame!

    "Mi piace"

  2. Unfortunately my theme is already in English, so Google Translator does not understand to have to translate it! Anyway you can find an English version made by myself at the bottom of each page…just scroll down. You are right about the size of the little Mermaid: it works just like with the dimensions of the Mona Lisa painting! Thanks for your visit.

    "Mi piace"

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