La chiesetta di Inkoo (part 1).

*please scroll down for text in English*

IMG_6084XX (6)IMG_6084XX (1)Una sostanziosa attrattiva da visitare ad Inkoo e’ senz’altro la sua chiesetta medievale.  Edificata in pietra a partire dalla meta’ del secolo XV,  essa ha probabilmente sostituito una precedente chiesetta lignea,  visto che la parrocchia di Inkoo risale come fondazione al 1300.

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Davvero pittoresche sono le decorazioni della facciata:  l’intreccio di croci che abbellisce il timpano e’ realizzato in mattori rossi.  Sembra che questo stile sia originato nel nord della Germania,  diffondendosi poi in Svezia e su su fino alla costa meridionale della Finlandia.

La chiesa e’ dedicata a San Nicola ed e’ un piccolo capolavoro.   Di pianta rettangolare,  un colonnato di tre colonne divide le due navate.  Gli interni sono riccamente affrescati,  come diremo in un altro post.

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Adiacente alla chiesa,  si trova l’armoniosa torre campanaria.  Costruita a forma di torre ottagonale lignea su base di blocchi di granito,  fu in parte usata come obitorio e vide il suo completamento nel 1730.

Infine,  come accade per tutte le chiese in Finlandia,  parte del parco circostante e’ dedicata al camposanto.

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Church of Inkoo (part 1).

An interesting attraction to visit in Inkoo is undoubtedly its medieval church.  Built in stone starting from the middle of the 15th century,  it probably replaced a previous wooden church,  as the parish of Inkoo dates back to 1300.  The bell tower dates back to the 1700s.

While observing this church,  you will be captivated by the beautiful decorations of the gables.  The frieze made up of red bricks forming a series of crosses seems to be a decoration style originated in northern Germany,  then finding its way to Sweden up to the coastal part of Finland.

The church is dedicated to San Nicola and is a little masterpiece.  It has a basically rectangular floor plan and a colonnade of three columns divides the two naves.  The interiors are richly frescoed,  as I will tell you in a future post.

Adjacent to the church is the bell tower.  Built on a base of granite pebblestone,  the completion of the octagonal tower dates back to 1730.  Part of it was used as a morgue.

As happens for all Finnish churches,  the cemetery is never too far away.


41 risposte a "La chiesetta di Inkoo (part 1)."

  1. Inkoo Church is very quaint and vibrant. I like the old stones and the red decorations that stand out against the blue sky. The interior is really beautiful and very bright. The colors are very soft. I like the combination of light gray and beige.
    The cemetery is well maintained and the lined graves remind me of those in American cemeteries.
    Thanks for sharing, Luisella.

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