Bellezze in mostra. (part 2)

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Buongiorno cari lettori!

Oggi vi propongo gli ultimi scatti dall’esposizione felina di cui vi ho parlato nel post precedente:  non e’ carino questo gattone che riceve i grattini del suo proprietario? 

A seguire alcune foto della “mia” Verona,  sempre bellissima anche nella piovosa giornata novembrina.








Beauties on contest.  (part 2)     Hello,  dear readers!

Today I’ll share with you the last shots taken at the cat exibition I told you in the previous post.  In the slide-show you can smile seeing the lovely cat cuddling his master…

Finally,  some views of “my” Verona,  which is so beautiful even on a rainy November day.



Linked to:  Skywatch Friday.  Friday Bliss.  Willy-Nilly Friday.  All Seasons.  WATW.  Travel Tuesday.  Makrotex Challenge.

47 risposte a "Bellezze in mostra. (part 2)"

  1. Even in Italy it’s raining – since on All Seasons bloggers come from several countries, I can’t believe in how many it’s raining right now. Really like your two last buildings, and the beautiful roses with water drops! many thanks for sharing the rain with All Seasons. Hope you stay dry coming week:)

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