
*full English text below*quadrimotore (2)XXquadrimotore (3)XXquadrimotore (4)XX

Buongiorno lettori!  In pochi giorni di sedute in giardino a pancia all’aria a godermi il sole e il bel tempo agostano ho collezionato una piccola serie di foto di aerei che vi propongo subito. 

Come avrete capito,  gli aerei sono una mia grande passione. 🙂

aer (4)

Le foto sopra le ho scattate un pomeriggio in cui un quadrimotore ha sorvolato il nostro giardino finlandese confondendosi tra gli alti alberi.





Hello,  dear readers.   Today i will share with you a few shots taken in my Finnish garden in these August days,  when I had time to sit out in full idleness enjoying the warm weather and sun.

The first three shots above depict a four-engine airplane overflying our highest trees.


30 risposte a "Sorvoli."

  1. I do not really miss it, but it was such an interesting job! I had been a check in agent for a few years but then I moved to the ‘Weight and Balance’ department and I simply loved it. A pity that so many staff were kicked out during the pandemic. Airline companies have been blind. Thanks for your kind reply. Enjoy the new week ahead!

    Piace a 1 persona

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