Altre vedute ottobrine.


Passeggiando nei boschi attorno a casa ad inizio ottobre,  mi sono imbattuta non solo nel giallo delicato delle betulle,  ma nell’arancione sorprendente di quest’ultimo fungo…

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More October Views.

During a walk in the woodlands I had the opportunity to admire not only the pale yellow of the birches,  but the surprising orange of this last mushroom…


38 risposte a "Altre vedute ottobrine."

  1. I love how the nature decorates for fall down to orange mushrooms. A few weeks ago while we were hiking we discovered a fallen log with brilliant orange shelf fungus. It looked like the frills to the dress of lush green moss that covered the log. At that time there was very little color change in the trees so the fungus seemed to glow in the forest.

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