Un murale per gli Alpini.

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All’esterno del piccolo edificio che ospita la sede dell’associazione Alpini di Isola della Scala (Verona) c’e il grazioso murale che vi propongo oggi.  In Italia tutti conosciamo il corpo militare degli Alpini,  percio’ questo post sara’ maggiormente appannaggio dei miei lettori internazionali.

Forse pero’ non tutti sanno che il corpo degli Alpini nacque nel 1872,  quando l’Italia appena unita si trovo’ nella necessita’ di difendere i propri confini  a nord che coincidevano proprio con l’arco Alpino.  Fino ad allora un corpo di fanteria specializzato nella guerra in montagna non esisteva e si pensava che un potenziale invasore proveniente da nord si sarebbe potuto fermare solo nella pianura Padana.  I vantaggi dal punto di vista militare e sociale con l’arruolamento delle genti di montagna in un settore specializzato dell’esercito furono subito evidenti:  non solo la velocita’ di mobilitazione in caso di attacco,  ma la loro conoscenza del difficile territorio,  oltre alla dedizione con la quale avrebbero difeso le comunita’ stesse dalle quali provenivano. 

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Aiutati dai muli,  animali resistentissimi e piu’ adatti dei cavalli sul territorio,  gli Alpini nel corso della storia d’Italia furono impiegati in numerose guerre e battaglie,  non solo sulle Alpi;  dando un grosso contributo alla difesa e sicurezza del nostro Paese.  Oggi il corpo degli Alpini,  uno dei piu’ amati e rispettati,  offre anche altri servizi alla cittadinanza in termini di protezione civile.

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A mural for the “Alpini”.

The meaningful mural I will share with you today stands on the outer wall of the small building which hosts the local Alpini Association in Isola della Scala (near Verona).

The Alpini  (Italian for “alpines”),  are a specialised mountain warfare infantry corps of the Italian Army.  In Italy they are very well known and appreciated for their contribution to the defense and safety of our country through the history. 

This corps was founded in 1872,  when Italy had just been constituted into one country and was facing the problem of defending its northern borders,  which coincided with the Alps.  No specialized corps for mountain war had existed before and in the military strategy of the time a potential attack from north should have been contrasted only in the Po Valley.  The advantages of organizing a specialized regiment with locally recruited people were immediately evident:  they possessed superior knowledge of the complicated mountain territory,  thus making mobility faster;  furthermore,  due to their personal attachment to the area they turned out to be motivated defenders.

The Alpini army corps was helped by mules in its logistics.  Mules are very resistant animals and more suitable to mountain areas than horses.  The Alpini soldiers were employed in many battles thoughout their history,  not only in the Alps and gave a great contribution to out country defence and safety.  Nowadays they grant various services to the population,  e.g.:  help in case of exceptional events.



Linked to:  WATW.  My Corner of the World.

19 risposte a "Un murale per gli Alpini."

  1. A beautiful mural. The Alpini Corps is well respected. A few years ago there was a big display photos, model displays and historical information at Rome Airport about this. Those on duty explained about the modern day service of helping with the security at the airport. It was very interesting.

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. Thanks for sharing this part of the world with us. Thanks for the information. The mural is awesome and makes me think of a song I learned in grade school: ‘I love to go a’wandering along the mountain track. And as I go, I love to sing…’

    I’m so glad you are a part of ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!
    My Corner of the World

    "Mi piace"

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