Nuovi nati.

*please scroll down for English version*nuov

Che diversi gli animali giovani da quelli gia’ adulti!  Che diversi i cuccioli dai loro genitori,  talvolta manco si somigliano.  Come si comportano diversamente:  sono curiosi,  imprudenti,  giocherelloni.

Ve ne propongo alcuni.  Quale vi fa piu’ tenerezza?


Nell’ordine:  un Cerbiatto,  un Capriolo,   un Picchio,  uno Storno,   una Ballerina bianca,  un Tordo,  una Gallinella d’acqua,  un Gabbiano,  uno sconosciuto.  😉


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New Babies.

How different young animals are from adults!  How different puppies are from their parents,  in some cases they hardly look like their parents.  How they behave differently:  they are curious,   imprudent,  playful. 

I will offer you a few pictures.  Which one inspires you most?

From above:  a Fawn,  a Roe Deer,  a Woodpecker,   a Starling,   a White Wagtail,  a Thrush,  a Moorhen,  a Seagull,  a cute unknown one. 😉


57 risposte a "Nuovi nati."

  1. I would have to say I find the the picture of the baby roe deer the most inspirational while the one of the moorhen seems the most peaceful. Yesterday, I watched as a robust baby robin leapt out of its nest under our deck and into our yard. Our ever friendly black Lab was quick to say hello with a few sniffs before I could call her back. Its poor parents were beside themselves as they watched a dog greet their baby.

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