Mimetismo perfetto.

*please scroll down for English translation*DSCN9568DSCN9571

A primavera i rami di alcuni tipi di salici iniziano a mettere le gemme e appena arriva dalla migrazione il Lui’piccolo  (Phylloscopus collybita) vi si rifugia immediatamente,  sfruttando il mimetismo perfetto con i colori di questa pianta.  Lo vedete?


Le gemme dei salici sono i cosiddetti Gattici,  che in finnico si chiamano:  Pajunkissa;  dove “Paju” e’ il salice e “kissa” e’ proprio il gatto.



In spring the branches of some species of willows show their furry catkins and as soon as the Common Chiffchaff  (Phylloscopus collybita)  arrives from migration,  he takes refuge there immediately,  taking advantage of the perfect harmony of colours.   Can you see it?

The gemmae of the willows in Finnish are called:  Pajunkissa;  where “Paju” is the willow and “kissa” is the cat.


50 risposte a "Mimetismo perfetto."

  1. Guten Tag liebe Luisella.
    Ich glaube, dass ist ein Zilpzalp, denn er hat dunkle Beine.
    Der Fitis hat rosa Beine.
    Unterscheiden kann man sie am ehesten durch den Gesang.
    Schön, dass du das Vögelchen erwischt hast in dem vielen Weidenkätzchen und dem Laub.
    Jetzt wird es wieder schwer Vögel zu fotografieren.
    Sonntag standen wir vor einem herrlich singenden Fitis, haben ihn aber nicht gefunden und gestern vor einer singenden Nachtigall.
    Ebenfalls nicht gefunden 😳
    Liebe Grüße Brigitte

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  2. Our Willow trees look much like yours, covered in new catkins.

    We even have birds like your Common Chiffchaff which have learned how to hide among those catkins! Some have made nests and we await the arrival of new birds in the forest.

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Chiffchaff is such a distinctive declaration of spring.. the song is easy to spot, not so much the sighting! Interesting to know the Finnish translates the same for Pussy Willow in English, is it so in Italian too?

    Piace a 1 persona

  4. Hello Luisella,
    I enjoyed your post and cute Chiffchaff, the little bird did blend in well with the bush.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    Piace a 1 persona

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