In mezzo ai campi.

English text at the bottom.2020XX (2)

Abitare in campagna e’ il sogno di molti finlandesi:  pensano che essere circondati dalla natura sia insostituibile.  Spesso le ex fattorie e case coloniche vengono restaurate e rimesse sul mercato come seconde case:  chi abita in citta’ viene nei fine-settimana a rilassarsi nel verde,  nella tranquillita’ e lontano dal traffico e rumori. 

Chi si trattiene per periodi piu’ lunghi nelle seconde case,  ad esempio vi trascorre l’intera estate,  puo’ farsi recapitare la posta all’indirizzo estivo. 


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Country Life.

Many Finns dream to live in the countryside.  They share the opinion that country life is fantastic.  Therefore old farmhouses or buildings which were connected with farming are often refurbished and put back to the market as summer cottages.  People living in cities go to spend their weekends there in all tranquillity,  surrounded by greenery and away from traffic and noise.

The luckiest ones who spend longer time in summer cottages,  for instance the whole summer,  can have their post delivered to their summer address. 


35 risposte a "In mezzo ai campi."

  1. The lifestyle in Finland where it’s possible to be close to nature sounds good for your wellbeing. The country scenes are beautiful. Wishing you a peaceful weekend.

    "Mi piace"

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