Halikon Lahti.

*please scroll down for English version**HAL (7)

Nell’ampio golfo di Halikon Lahti,  non lontano da Salo,  e’ possibile fermarsi a fare birdwatching sfruttando le apposite torri di avvistamento.  Nelle acque circostanti ci sono sempre molti volatili interessanti,  specie nelle stagioni intermedie quando si fermano pure i migratori a rifocillarsi.

HAAL (1)HAL (1)HAL (4)HAL (5)

Pavoncelle,  Smerghi,  Cigni,  Gabbianelli,  anatre di vari tipi sono avvistabili facilmente,  anche perche’ molti nidificano nella vegetazione circostante.

HAAL (2)

A noi e’ capitato perfino di vedere qualche giovane Aquila,  durante gli spostamenti autunnali.

Infine,  c’era qualcuno che aspettava pazientemente ai piedi delle torri…

Halikon Lahti.

In the wide gulf of Halikon Lahti,  not far from Salo,  it is possible to stop for birdwatching by means of  the two special watch-towers.  In the surrounding waters there are always many interesting birds,  especially in the mid-seasons when migratory birds stop for refreshment too.

Lapwings,  Mergansers,  Swans,  Seagulls,  ducks of various types are easily watched,  also because many nest in the surrounding vegetation.

We even happened to see young Eagles,  during the autumn shifts.

Finally,  once there was someone waiting patiently at the foot of the towers …



Linked to:  Saturday’s Critters.

38 risposte a "Halikon Lahti."

  1. I photographed that exact birdwatching tower when I was studing photography in Muurla back in 2002-2004. This is atleast third place where we both visited. Not at the same time but still. Finland is a very small country.

    Piace a 2 people

  2. Hello Luisella
    What a great place to watch the birds. You photographed a wonderful variety too, I love the Lapwing and the pretty Swans. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    Piace a 1 persona

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