Una chiesa senza campanile.

(English version below)chiesa (12)XX

La chiesetta di Somerniemi,  non lontano da Somero,  e’ seminascosta dagli alti alberi e non si vede facilmente dalla strada principale,  anche perche’ e’ senza campanile,  cosa rarissima anche qui in Finlandia.

La chiesa serve la comunita’ di Somerniemi,  una frazione di Somero,  dove risiedono circa 800 anime,  che pero’ in estate si moltiplicano molte volte,  per il fatto che si ripopolano le numerose seconde case sulle rive dei pittoreschi laghi della zona.

La chiesa stessa si affaccia sul lago Painio.  E’ stata edificata nel 1813 ed e’ completamente lignea.  L’interno e’ arioso ma semplice,  caratteristica di tutte le chiese luterane.

chiesa (5)XXchiesa (8)XXchiesa (9)XXSi puo’ stare senza campanile,  ma un buon organo non puo’ mancare…chiesa (7)XXCome sempre,  nello spazio attorno alla chiesa si trova il camposanto,  semplice come si usa qui.

chiesa (6)XX

A Church without Bell Tower.

The small church of Somerniemi, not far from Somero,  is half hidden by tall trees and cannot be easily seen from the main road,  also because it has no bell tower,  which is very rare even here in Finland.

The church serves the community of Somerniemi,  a part of Somero municipality,  where about 800 people reside.  Actually in the summer they multiply many times,  when the numerous summer cottages on the shores of the picturesque lakes in the area are repopulated.

The church itself overlooks Lake Painio.  It was built in 1813 and is completely wooden.  The interior is simple,  as are all Lutheran churches. 

It may be without a bell tower,  but a good organ cannot be missing!

In the area surrounding the church,  the simple cemetery has its ideal location.



Linked to:  Friday Bliss.

41 risposte a "Una chiesa senza campanile."

  1. Quite different from the catholic churches we are used to… However, it’s a nice churche, even without a bell tower. The interior is much more sober, but admit that all the splendor of our Catholic churches is really necessary.

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. I like the style of this church. The interior is decorated beautifully and the pulpit and organ are important features. I can imagine the pastor preaching and the congregation singing hymns.

    Piace a 1 persona

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