Falene dorate.


In un pomeriggio ottobrino,  con il sole gia’ basso sull’orizzonte e la sensazione dell’autunno incipente,  mi e’ capitato di osservare queste due falene:  i loro colori e i disegni sulle loro ali.  Li ho trovati assolutamente in abbinamento con i colori della stagione. 


Non vi sembra che richiamino le nuances dorate delle betulle?  🙂


Golden Moths.

On an October afternoon I had the opportunity to observe these two moths.  It was the starting of autumn in Finland:  the sun was slowly setting and a fresh evening was in the air.  I found the colours and patterns of these two beautiful insects absolutely matched the hues of the surrounding landscape.

Don’t they mix so well with the golden tone of the Birch?



Linked to:  Saturday’s Critters.

42 risposte a "Falene dorate."

  1. Hello,
    Pretty images of the moths. They did find a good spot and blend in well with the pretty leaves.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

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