Mix di primavera.

(Please scroll down for text in English)IMG_3800ccff

Buongiorno lettori e buon primo Marzo!

Per oggi un mish-mash di immagini pressoche’ primaverili,  tutte scattate in Italia.  Perche’…la primavera e’ dietro l’angolo  (e ne abbiamo proprio voglia).img_4174-1IMG_1642IMG_1643

CURIOSITA’:  In Veneto si dice che chi non vuole abbronzarsi troppo durante l’estate o scottarsi,  deve uscire di casa all’indietro il primo marzo.  😉





Per finire,  la luna piena di questi giorni,  che i nativi americani chiamano:  “La luna della Neve”,  poiche’ la luna piena di Febbraio concide col periodo di massimo innevamento.

Spring Mix.

Good Day,  dear readers and happy forst of March!

Today I’ll share with you a mish-mash of Spring images all taken in Italy,   because Spring is on its way…and we all are waiting for it.

A FUN FACT:  There is an old superstition in Veneto,  my region:  those who do not want to get sunburnt during the summer must get out of home looking backwards on the 1st of March.  😉

In my parting shots:  these days’ full moon,  known as “The Snow Moon”,  by native Americans,  because the February full moon coincides with the maximum amount of snow on the ground.



Linked to:  My Corner of the World.

40 risposte a "Mix di primavera."

  1. Nice pictures – we are not technically in Autumn, and there was a chill in the air this morning. And I even noticed a few falling leaves. Enjoy spring as I enjoy autumn!

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. haha, that’s a funny superstition, I can relate to it (from my previous life :-), but now living in Belgium, I want to double my chances to possibly have some sunburns ie. have some sun.

    Piace a 1 persona

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