“Stonehenge” in giardino.


Come sappiamo,  il ghiaccio ha i suoi bei vantaggi:  non solo raffredda i nostri aperitivi in estate,  non solo conserva,  lenisce gli ematomi,  non solo uccide tanti batteri dannosi (purtroppo non il coronavirus!  😦  )

Ma che ci crediate o meno,  col ghiaccio si puo’ anche giocare – con la neve il divertimento e’ piu’ immediato,  lo so!  Comunque quando le temperature si abbassano sotto lo zero con un po’ di fantasia e’ possibile creare tante decorazioni e far divertire soprattutto i piu’ piccoli.

Noi quest’anno per esempio abbiamo riempito d’acqua i tetrapak del latte,  lasciati fuori un paio di giorni/notti,  disposti in cerchio e messa in mezzo una candela.  Voila’!


Va da se’ che il congelamento avviene piu’ rapidamente quanto piu’ fa freddo. 

Un’altra volta ho messo le lucine blu dell’albero di Natale:  l’effetto e’ stato un po’ “disco”…


…oppure colorare l’acqua (in maniera naturale) prima di congelarla:  qui ho messo del succo di rapa rossa. 


CURIOSITA’:  Non solo l’uomo di neve,  ma anche questi giochi col ghiaccio sono tradizionali qui al nord e specialmente le famiglie con bambini li fabbricano ogni inverno.

Garden “Stonehenge”.

As we all know,  ice itself has its advantages:  it cools down our drinks in summer,  it preserves,  it soothes bruises,  it kills bacteria  (unfortunately not the coronavirus 😦  ).

Believe it or not,  it is also possible to play with ice,  or better:  it is possible to build funny things in your garden to amuse your children.  (I know it is much easier to play with snow,  though!)

For instance,  this is what we did when temperatures dropped enough in January:  we filled milk cartons with water and left them outside for two days/nights,  then placed them in a circle with a burning candle in the centre.  Done!

The time water takes to get frozen depends on the temperature:  do not be hasty.

Another time I placed some blue fairy lights instead of a candle…I got  quite a “disco” effect.

…or add some  (natural)  colour to the water before it freezes:  in this case beetroot juice.  Wow!

A FUN FACT:  These ice decorations are quite a tradition here and especially families with children build them every winter.  Not only the snowman.



Linked to:  WATW.  My Corner of the World.  Skywatch Friday.  Friday Bliss.  All Seasons.

44 risposte a "“Stonehenge” in giardino."

  1. Wow, these look fun! And beetroot juice, I would not have figured it out. I have made one ice lantern this winter using two buckets but never thought of using milk cartoons!

    "Mi piace"

  2. Greetings and Salutations! Wonderful….I am clapping with glee. What a fun thing to do fill milk cartons with water and food coloring and then set cartons outside for a couple of days in the ice cold weather. Children and adults will smile with glee. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photographs of a great idea.

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Thank you so much for sharing these ice statues with us! Had no idea this could be done. Both colors are nice! Too bad, I have to wait for a colder climate to try it out:) Many thanks for sharing it with us at All Seasons. Have a fun filled icy week (as long as it’s warm inside!) Jesh

    Piace a 2 people

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