Alberi di panna.

(Please scroll down for text in English).panna (1)

Quando ad una fitta nevicata si aggiunge la potenza del vento,  e’ molto facile verificare poi da che parte esso soffiava.  Andiamo nel bosco incantato a vedere?panna (2)panna (3)panna (4)panna (5)panna (6)panna (8)

Gli alberi sono ricoperti di soffice “panna montata” solo da una parte,  apparentemente,  ma se ci voltiamo indietro… 😉panna (7)panna (9)panna (10)

Trees with Cream.

When a thick snowfall is blown by a consistent wind,  it is quite easy to find out from which direction it blows.  Shall we walk into the enchanted forest to see?

Trees are apparently covered with soft “whipped cream” only one side,  but if we turn around…  😉



Linked to:  My Corner of the World.  Skywatch Friday.  All Seasons.

36 risposte a "Alberi di panna."

  1. You were fortunate to be able to walk around the forest and take photos from different sides to make your point about the wind direction. It would be interesting to walk in such a magical forest. Good walking boots would be needed!

    Piace a 2 people

  2. anche sui monti della mia Regione quando capita che nevica c’è sempre un vento tempestoso che accumula la neve solo sulle zone esposte e sui lati degli alberi, un effetto molto particolare. Belle le tue immagini del bosco innevato, un caro abbraccio, buona serata …😉

    Piace a 2 people

  3. Rightfully so to call it an enchanted forest! Wished I would walk there with you – to experience the awe and wonder at nature. Love especially the one trunk from up close – so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your walk in this fairytale forest with All Seasons! It was a pleasure:) Have a happy week exploring, Jesh

    Piace a 1 persona

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