Orsi (bruni) di Ranua.

(Please scroll fully down for text in English)DSCN7251

Il bioparco di Ranua (non lontano da Rovaniemi) ospita tanti animali feriti o in cattivo stato di salute.  Fra questi ci sono alcuni orsi,  che pur essendo grandi e temibili,  suscitano tenerezza forse per quelle espressioni a volte buffe.  Ho cercato di riprendere un orso bruno ed uno bianco.  In Finlandia si trovano circa duemila orsi bruni (Ursus arctos) distributi un po’ ovunque dove le foreste sono piu’ fitte,  ma per lo piu’ nella parte est del Paese ed in Lapponia.  L’orso bruno e’ il piu’ grande predatore vivente nel continente europeo;  un maschio adulto di orso bruno puo’ raggiungere il peso di 300kg. e da solo puo’ predare un alce che ne pesa 600,  specialmente a primavera quando,  appena uscito dal letargo,  ha bisogno urgente di cibo.

I finlandesi lo hanno scelto come animale nazionale e da sempre ne hanno timore e rispetto;  nell’antica cultura sciamanica era venerato per la sua possanza.  In lingua finlandese esistono sono molti vocaboli a significare “orso”;  oltre a karhu,  vocabolo ufficiale,  ad esempio:  nalle, otso e mesikämmen.   L’orsetto Winnie-the-Pooh qui si chiama:  Nalle Puh.


CURIOSITA’:   Gli orsi bruni alla nascita a Febbraio sono piu’ piccoli di un neonato umano:  pesano solo 400 grammi,  ma gia’ a Maggio quando escono dalla tana pesano 15 kg.

Perdono oltre un terzo del proprio peso corporeo durante il letargo invernale.


(Brown)  Bears of Ranua.

Ranua Wildlife park (quite close to Rovaniemi) hosts several injured animals,  or anyway not in good health.  Amongst them are a few bears,  both brown and polar ones.  In spite of their being huge and scary,  bears affect us with tenderness,  maybe because of how they carry themselves in funny ways.  I tried to portrait both bears.

In Finland we have over two thousand Brown bears (Ursus arctos),  distributed in every part of the country,  wherever forests are thicker,  but primarily in the eastern part and in Lapland.  The Brown bear is the biggest carnivorous predator living in Europe.  An adult male can reach 300kg of weight and is able to prey all alone even an elk,  which can wight 600kg,  especially in spring when the need of food is so urgent,  after winter sleep.

Finnish people have chosen the Brown bear as their national animal;  they fear and respected him.  In the ancient shamanic culture the Brown bear was revered for his might.  Although karhu is the official word for “bear”,  in Finnish language many other different words mean “bear”,  for instance:   nalle, otso and mesikämmen.  The famous children’s character Winnie-the-Pooh in Finland is known as:  Nalle Puh.

FUN FACTS:   In February,  when they are born,  Brown bears are smaller than a human baby:  their weight is around 400 grams;  in May when they start running out of the den,  their weight is already 15 kilograms.  (Source:  Avara Luonto)

Brown bears lose over one third of their body weight during the winter hibernation.



Linked to:  WATW.  Saturday’s Critters.


35 risposte a "Orsi (bruni) di Ranua."

  1. Hello,

    Wonderful post on the Brown Bears, they are cute critters. This Brown bear looks a little like the Grizzly Bear seen here in the western USA. Great photos! Take care, enjoy your day!

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. Hello,

    I do love all the animals, especially the bears. Great series of photos, he/she posed nicely too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for the comment.

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Winnie-the-Pooh really doesn’t seem very bear-like! Your photos are great. It’s fascinating that bears still survive in European environments — they once lived throughout the continent.

    be safe… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    Piace a 1 persona

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