A sorpresa sul mio albero.

(Please scroll down for text in English)DSCN8504

Da alcuni anni abbiamo eletto il nostro abete argentato ad albero di Natale “esterno”.  Nel senso che ne abbiamo due:  uno dentro casa e uno fuori.  Questo abete si trova proprio di fronte alla finestra della cucina e ogni anno lo addobbiamo con tre bei fili di luci per godercelo nelle lunghe serate buie.

L’altra settimana ho scorto per caso un gran svolazzare attorno al suddetto abete e guardando bene ho visto questo uccello appollaiato sui rami,  in mezzo alle luci come…un addobbo extra (un po’ pesantino).


Si tratta di uno…Sparviero!

Sapete cosa ci faceva sull’albero?  Teneva d’occhio gli uccellini piccoli:  le casette con i semi che mettiamo per loro infatti si trovano proprio a ridosso dell’abete.  Io sono riuscita’ in velocita’ a scattare queste poche foto prima che lo sparviero si lanciasse in picchiata all’attacco delle povere cinciallegre.  Non ho visto se sia riuscito a predarne qualcuna,  ma di certo hanno preso tutte un bello spavento.


Lo Sparviero euroasiatico (Accipiter nisus)  e’ il piu’ comune rapace qui in Finlandia.  E’ di media grandezza,  con oltre 60 cm di apertura alare e si ciba quasi solamente di piccoli volatili.  Il colore aranciato sul petto indica che e’ un maschio giovane.  Era la prima volta che lo vedevo comodamente da vicino,  ma non era sicuramente la prima volta che faceva incursioni nel mio giardino,  anzi,  secondo i miei libri e’ un evento non raro.

Curiosita’:  in finlandese si chiama Varpushaukka,  cioe’ “Il falco dei passeri”,  sottolineando la sua predilezione per i piccoli volatili;  ma la femmina e’ piu’ grande del maschio e puo’ arrivare a predare anche i merli.


Guardate quest’ultima foto che trovo eccezionale:  lo sparviero ha la testa ruotata completamente all’indietro.  (Giuro che non e’ un fotomontaggio!)

A proposito:  il detto “Pesce grosso mangia pesce piccolo”…. non vale solo per i pesci!  😉

Surprise on my Christmas Tree.

In the middle of our garden,  just in front of our kitchen window,  we have a tall silver spruce which we keep as our “outdoor” Christmas tree.   As a matter of fact we have two:  one inside our home and one outside.  Every year we decorate this spruce with a quantity of lights,  so as to enjoy it in the long dark evenings.

One day last week I noticed some flutter just around this spruce and saw an extra decoration – a heavy one- roosting among the branches…it was a Sparrowhawk!

You know what he was doing?  Admiring the little birds at the feeders,  which are located quite close to the spruce!  I had quickly time to take these few shots before he attacked the feeders.  I could not see whether he got some prey,  but our poor feathered friends surely got deadly frightened.

The Eurasian Sparrowhawk is the most common bird of prey here in Finland.  Medium-sized – his wingspan is over 60 centimetres – he prays small woodland birds.  The bright orange colour on his breast indicates a young male.  It was the first time I saw a sparrowhawk so close-up,  but it was not his first time making a foray in my garden;  actually,  it is quite a common happening,  according to my books.

A fun fact:   as well as in English,  in Finnish this bird is called Varpushaukka,  that is “The hawk of the sparrows”,  indicating his favourite food;  but the female of this species is bigger than the male and can prey even pigeons or blackbirds.

Finally,  please have a look at my parting shot:  the hawk has his head completely turned backwards.  To me an extraordinary shot.   (Upon my word:  absolutely not a photo-trick!)

By the way:   in Italy we have a proverb “The bigger fish eats the smaller”;  well… it is not true only among fish!  😉



Linked to:  Wild Birds Wednesday.  Saturday’s Critters. Image-in-ing.

74 risposte a "A sorpresa sul mio albero."

  1. Hello,

    Wow, the Sparrowhawk is a cool garden visitor. Your photos are just wonderful with the posing in the pretty tree. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Also, thank you for all your comments and links this past year. I wish you all the best in 2021, a very happy and healthy NEW YEAR! Take care, enjoy your weekend!

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  2. Wow, that is quite a bird! I feel bad for the little ones though! We will be decorating a tree outdoors next Christmas too, we have lots of conifers, not much room for a tree indoors, so we figure outdoors would be just as festive! I hope you enjoyed your Christmas! 🙂

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  3. Your Sparrow Hawk is quite beautiful, in comparison to the black/brown hawks or vultures I used to see in the forest! Interesting that you mention the female is bigger, and preys on bigger birds. I know that this is common for nature, but that’s too harsh fro my city mentality. Hope you had an enjoyable Christmas, and all the BEST for 2021!

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