Il Kantele.

(Please scroll down for text in English)Kantele (3)Kantele (5)Kantele (6)

In una bella serata del luglio scorso,  abbiamo assistito ad un concerto di Kantele nella chiesa di Somero. 

Il Kantele e’ questo strumento a corde caratteristico della Finlandia e della regione della Carelia in particolare:  ha un corpo ligneo generalmente costituito da un pezzo unico in legno di abete,  puo’ essere di diverse grandezze e puo’ avere fino a 40 corde.  Viene suonato pizzicando le corde,  che anticamente erano fatte con crine di cavallo,  mentre negli strumenti moderni possono essere anche metalliche.  (Kantele si pronuncia correttamente ponendo l’accento sulla “a”).

Le artiste erano:  Marja Nevakallio,  musicista esponente dell’Accademia Sibelius e Makiko Oba,  una concertista di origine giapponese che dal 2010 si e’ trasferita in Finlandia proprio per approfondire questo particolare strumento. 

Lo gradite un minuto di dolce musica del kantele?

Ed un link ad una pagina dell’Accademia Sibelius per un concerto di kantele e orchestra:

Buon ascolto!

Kantele Music.

On a warm and lovely July evening,  we had the opportunity to go to a Kantele concert in the church of Somero. 

The kantele is the plucked string instrument in my shots above.  It has a wooden body traditionally carved out of one piece of spruce.  In different versions and sizes,  the kantele can have up to 40 strings.  In older times the strings were horsehair strings,  modern instruments can have metal strings.  The kantele is a Finnish traditional instrument,  particularly of the Carelia region.  (Kantele is correctly pronounced stressing the letter “a”).

We enjoyed the sweet music of the kantele played by Marja Nevakallio,  a musician from the Sibelius Academy and Makiko Oba,  a Japanese musician who moved to Finland in 2010 following her passion for this peculiar instrument.

In my video above,  the music we were played that evening.

In the following link,  released by the Sibelis Academy,  the effect of kantele with orchestra:

Enjoy the music!



Linked to:  Friday Bliss.  My Corner of the World.  Makrotex Challenge.

42 risposte a "Il Kantele."

  1. The music of Sibelius is here in the USA not so well known (but I know since I’m from Europe). The dainty sounds are beautiful! I think on this side of the pond we call it the harpsicord (since the strings are reminiscent of a harp). Many thanks for sharing this rare treat with All Seasons. Really enjoyed this! Jesh

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  2. What a fantastic instrument! This is one reason I love blogging, to learn about other countries. Thanks so much for the video, I could listen to it all day!

    Thanks for sharing your link at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!

    Piace a 1 persona

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