Buon Ferragosto 2020.


Avete visto chi si e’ accomodato a prendere il sole sulla mia sdraio stamattina??


Ma e’ una bellissima Vanessa dell’ortica! (Aglais Urticae)... Ok,  resta pure.  🙂

Felice weekend di Ferragosto a tutti,  cari lettori!

Trascorrete giornate serene,  sempre con le dovute cautele.


Happy Ferragosto 2020. 

Can you see who is lazily sunbathing on my deck-chair,  today??

It is a beautiful Small tortoiseshell! (Aglais Urticae)  …Ok,  you can stay.  🙂

This weekend we celebrate “Ferragosto” in Italy,  that is the top moment of the holiday season,  so:

Happy weekend to you all,  dear readers. 

Take it easy and do not forget to keep safe!





Linked to:  Saturday’s Critters.

45 risposte a "Buon Ferragosto 2020."

  1. Both the chair and hammock are birthday presents that I got from my kind husband. This year he built me a swing (not the traditional 4-sitter that we already have but a single-sitter for me only). It felt like celebrating my 8th birthday! 🙂 😉
    Ciao carissima! xx

    "Mi piace"

  2. Hello Luisella,
    You had great timing capturing this pretty butterfly resting on your chair! Beautiful butterfly!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care and enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    Piace a 1 persona

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