Trasporto eccezionale.


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Oggi vi propongo una curiosita’ riguardante i sistemi di costruzione delle abitazioni qui in Finlandia.

Le foto che vedete sono state scattate dalla nostra auto mentre incrociavamo un trasporto eccezionale:  alcuni moduli prefabbricati di case da installare sul terreno.

Qui infatti le case raramente hanno le fondamenta come le concepiamo noi in Italia e raramente le cantine si trovano sotto terra;  in realta’ le case poggiano semplicemente su uno zoccolo di cemento,  dello spessore solitamente di un metro circa.  La porta d’entrata si trova quindi piu’ alta del terreno circostante e vi si accede con qualche gradino,  mentre lo zoccolo serve per addossarvi la neve quando la si spala.  (L’immagine qui sotto ne e’ un bell’esempio).


Generalmente le case sono interamente in legno e imbottite con molti strati di diversi materiali isolanti:  i moduli prefabbricati sono gia’ completi di pareti e tetto,  una volta poggiati sullo zoccolo si provvede ad installare le porte,  i collegamenti elettrici ed idrici ed infine gli arredi.

(La prima foto in alto appartiene all’amico Andreas…grazie!)

Oversize Load.

Today I’ll share with you,  dear readers,  an interesting fact about house-building in Finland. 

The above shots were taken from our car the day we met an abnormal load along the road:  they were transporting a few prefab houses.

Here in Finland houses can be easily prefabricated,  transported and installed,  as they do not need foundations,  as we conceive them in Italy – you will rarely find even an underground cellar.  Houses just lie on a concrete platform,  about one metre thick,  thus keeping the front door away from the snow:  you will just climb a few steps to reach it.  (The light-blue building in my shot is a nice example).

Prefabricated modules are very practical:  they already have walls and a roof.  Once they are installed onto the platform,  you will just complete them with doors,  electricity,  water system and finally furnish them.  The structure of a Finnish house is generally made entirely of wood and filled with a few layers of insulating materials.

(Our friend Andreas took the first shot above…thanks!)



Linked to:  All Seasons.

35 risposte a "Trasporto eccezionale."

  1. Hello,

    It can be scary to came across one of these big loads on the road. We have seen the pre-fab houses around here too. The basements can end up just being a damp place. Enjoy your day, have great week ahead.

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. Avevo sentito parlare di case precostruite… 😉
    Quì da noi si usa poco e semmai l’assemblaggio viene fatto in loco. (abbiamo le strade troppo strette per trasporti del genere). haha

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. An aunt and uncle lived in a prefabricated house. They were a way for people to have a home after WWII as they were quickly constructed. The only problem was the roof was made of corrugated iron and when it rained it was very noisy, but I loved spending holidays in their house.

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  4. Well – don’t know if I wold like to meet one on the road. But practical way of building, of course. I Norway, most houses have cellars, and many are built in a in a sloping terrain.

    Piace a 1 persona

  5. How interesting that most of the houses are made of wood, like n the USA. While in Holland they were (don’t know what they have done wince we left) all made from brick. In areas where there are fires often, like in California, I think it would be more practical and safer to make houses from brick. Interesting post for All Seasons:) Jesh

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