Pisa. (part 2)

XX (2)

Pisa pero’ non e’ solo Piazza dei Miracoli e torre pendente.  Se uscite un po’ dalla ristretta zona turistica e vi incamminate sul lungarno,  trovate una piccola perla:  la chiesetta di Santa Maria della Spina,  scrigno che contiene tesori come marmi policromi,  decori e affreschi preziosi e inoltre la reliquia di una spina della corona di Gesu’.



Santa Maria della Spina Church, Dusk,  Pisa, Tuscany, Italy

(Questa immagine notturna e’ presa dalla rete).




Infine,  un’istituzione famosa che ha sede a Pisa in questo bel complesso:  la “Scuola Normale”;  universita’ fondata da Napoleone agli inizi dell’800 e che si situa per prestigio tra le migliori 200 universita’ del mondo.  Alla Normale si è ad esempio laureato il nostro scienziato e premio Nobel,  Enrico Fermi.


Pisa.  (Part 2)  

Pisa is not only the Square of Miracles,  as said in the previous post.  There is much more to see,  if you just walk out of the tourist area,  which is after all not so large.  For instance along the Arno riverbank ,  the same river which flows through Florence,  you will find a little treasure in the shape of the church in the above shots.  Its name is:  Santa Maria della Spina.  Built in magnificent gothic style it boasts marbles in polychrome bands,  frescoes and a reliquary with a thorn from Christ’ s cross.

(The night image of the church is taken from the net).

Finally,  the buildings in my parting shots are part of the school for higher education named “Scuola Normale”.  Founded by Napoleon in 1810,  it ranks among the world’s 200 best universities.  Our Nobel prize scientist Enrico Fermi graduated in this university too.




Linked to:  Image-in-ing.  All Seasons.  My Corner of the World.

30 risposte a "Pisa. (part 2)"

  1. Something I did not know of Napoleon! Beautfiul captures! Love the shadows – giving tie weight the subject should have, applause! When I saw these horizontal stripes on walls for the first time (in Cinque Terre), I had to get used to it. Here, it fits so weel. Many thanks for sharing education with us at All Seasons! Have a beautiful week, Jesh

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. I am always intrigued by ancient architecture and how it’s still standing all these year! Thanks for sharing your wonderful images 🙂

    I am so glad that you took the time to share your world at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week! Thanks!

    Piace a 1 persona

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