14 Febbraio 2020.

(Please go down for English text)IMG_3926


Quest’anno il giorno di San Valentino e’ stato proprio primaverile nella Finlandia del sud:  abbiamo avuto un cielo color cobalto,  gli ultimi rimasugli di brina notturna sugli alberi e abbiamo perfino visto i primi avamposti di uccelli migratori che stanno tornando.  In particolare un piccolo stormo di Cesene(Turdus pilaris).

Per la cronaca,  a metà febbraio un merlo aveva già nidificato in zona Helsinki e a fine mese a Verona ho visto le prime farfalle!

Che meraviglia però uscire nel pomeriggio e trovare una giornata come questa ad accoglierti!  Dopo una mattinata incerta,  il cielo si e’ aperto ad un meraviglioso sorriso e ci ha riconciliati con la vita.  Un tocco di primavera nel cuore dell’inverno a noi umani fa proprio piacere.










February 14th, 2020.         

On Valentine’s Day this year we really had a tasting of spring,  in southern Finland.  We has such a deep blue sky,  just the last dregs of frost left over by the previous night and we even saw the earliest migratory birds who landed:  a small group of Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris),  greedily searching for some food.

Just for info:  in mid-February a blackbird made  its nest not far from Helsinki and at the end of the month I saw the first butterflies in Verona!

It was a pleasant surprise when the sky opened into a wonderful sunshine smile,  after an uncertain morning.  We could breathe open clear air and feel reconciled with life.  It was a pleasure to taste spring in the heart of winter.


Linked to:  Tom’s  Monday Foto-Tunes.  Image-in-ing.  Makrotex Challenge.  My Corner of the World.  Skywatch Friday.

50 risposte a "14 Febbraio 2020."

  1. Hello, it does look like you had a beautiful day. It is wonderful to spend time outdoors in nature. The birds and trees are beautiful. Great post and photos. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

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  2. Great that the weather decided to give you some frost on Valentine’s Day – a true loving surprise! So, you live in winter in Finland to enjoy the cold (and do you then go in summer to Italy to enjoy the Mediterranean weather?) That would be the perfect life:):) Many thanks for sharing Valentine’s Day with All Seasons, and have a lovely week:)

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  3. Beautiful photos – I particularly love the pussy willow, it’s really spectacular. The Fieldfares are pretty birds, sadly I don’t see nearly so many of them here in the UK as I used to. I love your photos of them.

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  4. The lighting is amazing! I thought the pussy willow were budding fruit tree branches. The branches of our apricot trees reach up into the sky like the pussy willow because we didn’t get around to pruning them. Now that the trees are in bloom I don’t want to prune them. I want them to have a chance to create fruit. 🙂

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  5. It is very interesting that you saw a flock of returning Fieldfares. I have not seen one for many weeks since the berries finished and the Fieldfares moved elsewhere. Maybe I will see one or two in the next weeks but they do head north very quickly, often unseen and unheard and probably via a different route from autumn.

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  6. Don’t you love to see all the buds on trees and bushes in the spring? When I lived in Los Angeles, California, there weren’t many changes between seasons. When we moved north to British Columbia it was such a surprise and three to have four distinct ones. – Margy

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