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Alla conosciutissima Fiera del Riso di Isola della Scala,  appuntamento settembrino  frequentato da noi veronesi amanti del risotto in tutte le sue declinazioni,  ho visto nell’area “fattoria” (allestita con animali vivi di varie specie,  soprattutto per i bambini),  queste galline ornamentali e le ho trovate davvero eleganti, per cui ve le propongo.  Le loro piume,  bianche e nere,  non sembrano disegnate con un tratto di pennarello?  

Questa razza si chiama Bantam Sebright – dal nome dell’allevatore sir J. Sebright – ed è stata selezionata in Gran Bretagna nel XIX secolo;  ma oltre ad essere decorative,  sono anche ovaiole,  chiaramente.  Sono di taglia piccola (pesano sotto il chilo) e sembravano piuttosto socievoli:  proprio carine!


Sketched out.    

In the town of Isola della Scala,  not far from Verona,  every year at the end of September,  the rice fair “Fiera del riso” takes place.  It is a very popular event:  you can taste various types of risotto prepared by different local rice producers or buy various local produce.  Outside the tasting area,  many stalls sell different articles,  not necessarily connected with food.

In the farmhouse area,  set up mostly for children,  I saw the cute hens in the above photos.  They are an “Ornamental breed”,  as they are beautiful and also calm and friendly in temper,  but of course they lay eggs too;  they are quite small in size:  their weight is under one kilogram.  They are named:  Bantam Sebright,  after sir J. Sebright,  who developed the breed in the 19th century.  I like them because their black-and-white feathers seem to have been sketched out with a marker pen!  Don’t they?



Linked to:  All Seasons.  Friday Bliss.

47 risposte a "Disegnate."

  1. quelle che vengono chiamate “Fattorie didattiche” mi fanno infinita tristezza, gli animali rinchiusi (condizione atroce) sono stressati, spaventati, sottoposti a situazioni per loro innaturali. Bello sarebbe insegnare ai bambini l’amore per gli animali attraverso la conoscenza delle loro peculiarità, meglio attraverso documentari dove si vede come sono realmente in condizioni ottimali, come interagiscono tra loro e con un ambiente idoneo al loro benessere. Fermo restando che la gallinella è un amore

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  2. Unusual bantams. It’s difficult to see from these closeup photos, but I’m sure these days the welfare of such animals is closely monitored and they have plenty of room to move around. I hope so. I prefer to see animals in situations where they are free to roam on farmland and have sheltered accommodation at night.

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  3. They are beautiful. My family kept chickens when I was growing up. I am hoping to perhaps get a few hens now that I live in an actual house.
    ~cie the ornery old lady~

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  4. What a conspicuous and beautiful hen! Happy you showed this one. Now I am curious of all types of risottos you were talking about:) (And my mouth is watering:)) Great you showed the fun of this event to All Seasons:) Have a lovely week!

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  5. Thank you, kind Jesh. In Italy we make risotto with many different ingredients: pumpkin, aubergines, mushrooms, tomato sauce…but also meat, sausage, speck… and fruits: apples, pears, bananas… we simply love it. Have a great week you too!

    "Mi piace"

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