
(Text in English at the bottom of post. Thanks)IMG_3368

Storkyrkan e’ il nome della Cattedrale di Stoccolma,  che letteralmente significa:  “chiesa grande”.  Eretta in epoca medievale come chiesa cattolica e dedicata a San Nicola,  come patrono dei marinai,  questa cattedrale fu rimaneggiata piu’ volte nel corso della sua storia;  lo stile architettonico in cui e’ costruita e’ il Gotico baltico,  con i bei mattoni a vista,  ma in seguito vi furono aggiunti dettagli e decori barocchi.  Nel XVI secolo divenne una Chiesa Luterana. 

Si trova proprio adiacente al Palazzo Reale,  come si vede nella mia foto qui sopra e viene usata regolarmente per le cerimonie che riguardano la famiglia reale:  incoronazioni,  matrimoni,  funerali.






Della cattedrale si apprezzano in particolare:  la notevole possanza del colonnato in mattoni,  le lavorazioni del soffitto,  il pulpito barocco,  i decori dorati. 

Infine,  qui sotto:  vedute della “principesca” citta’ di Stoccolma,  in un freddo giorno di inizio aprile.




This is in fact the name of the Cathedral in Stockholm (Sweden),  which literally means:  “Big Church”. 

Built in the Middle Ages as a Catholic church dedicated to Saint Nicholas,  as a Patron Saint of sailors,  this cathedral underwent a few restorations through its history.   Its architectural style is specifically the Brick Gothic,  with massive columns and attractive ceiling vaults;   in 1527 it became a Lutheran Church and later many baroque details were added,  such as the pulpit.  The frescod ceilings and gilded decorations contribute to make it remarkable. 

Since the Royal palace stands adjacent to the cathedral,  (as you can see in my first shot above),  the latter has been regularly used for ceremonies involving the royal family:  coronations,  weddings,  funerals.

Finally,  in my parting shots,  views of the “royal” city of Stockholm on a cold April day.



Linked to:  Tom’s Foto Tunes.  Image-in-ing.  WATW.  My Corner of the World.  Skywatch Friday.  All Seasons.

41 risposte a "Storkyrkan."

  1. E’ davvero caratteristica questa cattedrale. Solitamente siamo abituati a vedere chiese finemente stuccate e in questo caso i mattoni a vista credo che la rendano unica nel suo genere. Buon inizio settimana!

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. Thank you for the lovely photos, Luisella!
    In Swedish towns there are many beautiful buildings and areas. I have been to Stockholm but haven’t been in this church and I appreciate especially your beautiful photos of its interior.

    The temperature here is +2 C and the snow that is falling is very wet. We have some snow but I think the depth of it is lower than ever in mid-February.


    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Wow, that ceiling, stunning! As well as the stained glass rosette – the lights embellish this beauty even more. I love it! Thank you also for providing some of the history for us at All Seasons!
    About your comment: yes, I notice striking a cord of the Italian related bloggers with my painting The Wine Press:) It was a pleasure to paint it:) Have a lovely week!

    Piace a 1 persona

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