Aringhe e dintorni (part 1).


Cari amici,  benvenuti sul mio blog! 

Dopo la sagra tutta italiana deiTortellini e dintorni“,  oggi vi porto alla sagra tutta finlandese delle “Aringhe e dintorni” chiamata:  “Silakkamarkkinat”,  in centro a Helsinki!

Si tratta di un’antica manifestazione,  si tiene dal lontano 1734,  che consiste nell’arrivo di numerosi pescherecci al porto di Helsinki,  i quali per una settimana vendono pesce fresco o gia’ preparato da loro stessi con mille marinature diverse,  mille salse diverse e anche cotture diverse.  In queste prime foto potete vedere la location:  la parte meridionale dell’ampio porto di Helsinki,  lo stesso dove attraccano le grandi navi da crociera che vi portano in giro per le capitali baltiche.  I pescherecci sono enormi velieri storici,  affascinanti e interessanti da visitare.

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A seguire,  una panoramica delle bancarelle dei pescatori che offrono le loro specialita’.  Fra i tanti prodotti in vendita,  anche conserve di verdura,  sottaceti sempre confezionati da piccole aziende artigianali e salse con cui aromatizzare  il pesce o anche la carne.









In questa bancarella in particolare potete riconoscere i filetti di aringa confezionati con varie marinature:  limone,  spezie miste,  pepe rosa,  cipolla e infine caviale di salmone.  L’aringa in questione e’ la Silakka(Clupea harengus membras),  cioe’ l‘aringa baltica,  piu’ piccola e leggermente piu’ grassa dell’aringa atlantica  (Clupea harengus),  che e’ quella che conosciamo maggiormente in Italia.


Dunque le possibilita’ di assaggio erano tantissime!  Noi siamo stati tentati anche da una gustosa zuppa di pesce persico:  qui la zuppa di pesce molto spesso viene preparata con patate,  carote e cipolla e arricchita con della panna da cucina.  Il pane che l’accompagna e’ di solito un pane di segale chiamato:  pane dell’arcipelago.




La giornata ottobrina purtroppo era senza sole,  ma anche senza pioggia,  senza vento e con la piacevole temperatura di 12 gradi.  Una perfetta giornata d’autunno.  Per chi avesse avuto freddo,  qualche bancarella vendeva anche guanti e berretti proprio nello stile dei pescatori!  😉




Pippi vi da’ appuntamento alla Part 2 di questo post!  🙂

Helsinki Baltic Herring Market  (part 1).

Hello and welcome to my blog!

After the Tortellini festival in Italy,   today I’ll take you to the Baltic Herring festival in Finland:  the Silakkamarkkinat.

It is a very old fair where fishermen arriving to the port of Helsinki sell fresh fish to the people.  It takes place every year in the southern part of the main harbour since 1743.  The market consists of many stalls where you can buy or taste baltic herrings prepared in various sauces or marinades – but also of small restaurants located on board some old fishing vessels,  which are a charming view themselves.  The venue,  as said,  is the Helsinki harbour,  that same harbour where the huge tourist cuising ships stop.  (In the slide-show above you can see the venue).

In my shots you can admire the variety of food for sale on the many stalls:  the baltic herrings,  cooked and flavoured in different ways manifactured by fishermen companies,  but also vegetable preserves or sauces to accompany various dishes,  even meat.

A choice of flavourings that you can appreciate:  lemon,  pink pepper,  onion,  mixed spices and salmon caviar.  The Baltic herring  (Clupea harengus membras),  is smaller and slightly fatter than the Atlantic herring  (Clupea harengus),  which is the characteristic type of herring we know in Italy.

All in all there were so many possibilities for tasting good food!  We were tempted by a warm and tasty fish soup made with perch.  In Finland fish soup is usually enriched with potatoes,  onions,  carrots and some cream and the perfect bread to go with it is a particular rye bread called the archipelago bread.

Unfortunately the October day was quite cloudy,  but also windless and not at all cold:  a pleasant autumn day.  A stall anyway sold mittens and woolen caps for tourists sensitive to the cold!  😉

Pippi will welcome you to Part 2 of this post!  🙂


Linked to:  Skywatch Friday.  WATW.  My Corner of the World.

44 risposte a "Aringhe e dintorni (part 1)."

  1. Hello, the festival looks like fun. It is always good to buy fresh fish too. The fish soup sounds delicious, I would give it a try. The Pippi doll is cute. I am glad the weather cooperated for the festival. I would love to visit Finland.
    Wonderful post, thanks for sharing your visit. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. A great food festival showcasing fresh fish with delicious sauces and pickles sounds wonderful! I’m glad you had good weather for the event. A scarf and mittens are welcome. We certainly need warm clothing here now! Happy weekend!

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Beautiful photos of silakkamarkkinat! I prefer herrings baked on a pan with smashed potatoes, don’t like so much the conservatives or pickels. Enjoy your weekend.

    Piace a 1 persona

  4. Great there are still some nice sweater days in your Autumn! Being Dutch, I can imagine how delicious the herrings mus taste. Great to have a view of several booths at your market. Sound like a place I would like to spend some time to check out the delicious choices to eat:) Sorry am late, no wifi since last Saturday, so traveled 1 1/2 hours to a coffeeshop to respond to my favorite All Seasons-ers:):) Many thanks for sharing it with All Seasons, and hope there still will be a few nice autumn days for you!

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  5. I love fresh fish. There’s a great weekend market in Steveston, BC. Unfortunately when I visit I’m not able to purchase anything fresh. I stay in a hotel so cooking isn’t an option. But I do love all the other treats the marina has to offer, great restaurants and shops. – Margy

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