Una famigliola di gufi.

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Beh…devo ammettere che questi sono stati piu’ facili da fotografare che non le gru del post precedente…!  😉  (Benche’ a volte le banderuole bisogna un po’ inseguirle,  perche’ girano…girano…)

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Ma a chi non piacerebbe una banderuola cosi’ carina e spiritosa sul tetto?  (Fotografata in giro per la Finlandia sempre col naso in su).

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A sunshine Family of Owls.

Well…I must admit that this family was easier to shoot than the one in my previous post!  😉  (Although you sometimes have to chase wheathervanes as they turn and turn…)

Who wouldn’t like such a delightful weathervane on the roof??  (Shot around Finland, always wandering with my nose up).


Linked to: WATW.  Friday Bliss.  Saturday’s Critters.

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