Una famigliola di gru.

(Scroll fully down for English version).2piccoli (1)

Durante un viaggio in auto attraverso la Finlandia,  abbiamo scorto queste bellissime quattro Gru euroasiatiche (Grus grus)  che pascolavano in un campo ai margini del bosco.  Non potevamo non fermarci a fotografarle… Sorpresa!  Non erano quattro adulti,  ma una famigliola con due piccoli!  Che tenerezza!

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E’ stato sorprendente vederle nella natura…direi emozionante. 

Appena loro hanno visto noi,  pero’,  si sono immediatamente rifugiate dentro il bosco,  per proteggere i piccoli dal nostro sguardo e dal potenziale pericolo. 

Le foto che ho potuto fare sono solo due:  nel post ne vedete quatto perche’ due sono ritagliate per avvicinarle un po’.  Spero possiate vedere chiaramente la differenza di piumaggio negli adulti e nei nuovi nati:  pensate che queste due giovani gru devono essere pronte prima del prossimo settembre per compiere il lungo volo di migrazione che le portera’ a svernare in Africa!  (Le foto sono di meta’ luglio).

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Ancora piu’ in dettaglio la differenza fra il corpo dell’adulto e quello immaturo del giovane.

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A Sunshine Family of Cranes.

During a car joyride in Finland,  we saw these beautiful four Eurasian Cranes (Grus grus)  in a field by a forest and we stopped to take a picture of them.  To our surprise,  they were not all four adults,  but a lovely family with two newly born!

It was a great feeling to see them!

I could take only two photos of the family  (you see four photos as I cropped two to be able to show more details),  because they ran into the forest immediately as they saw us,  in order to protect the young ones. 

I do hope you can get the difference in plumage between the adults and the juveniles. 

It was mid-July when we saw them:  the young ones must be ready within next September to set out to the long and perilous migration journey which will carry them to Africa for winter!

In the last shots:  further details of how different the adult and juvenile bodies are.



Linked to:  Willy-Nilly Friday.  Friday Bliss.  All Seasons.  Image-in-ing.  My Corner of the Worls.  Wild Birds Wednesday.

33 risposte a "Una famigliola di gru."

  1. Hello, They are beautiful birds. I do see the young ones, their colors are different. Beautiful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks for the visit and comment.

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. isn’t is beautiful to see a whole family of these cranes, instead of one or two? When the sun shines so brightly, it is difficult to photograph anything with subtle colors, eh? Have a similar problem this year! Feel for them they “have to” migrate, but I need to remind myself God has given them the skills “to make it!” Many thanks for this cute and interesting post to share with All Seasons! Have an adventurous week!

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Dear Sue, the version written in English is at the bottom of each post of mine. Just scroll fully down – after the last shot you will find it. I hope your browser allows you to do that. Thanks for your appreciation anyway. 🙂

    "Mi piace"

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