Auto di mezza estate.


Come avrete gia’ capito da altri post nel mio blog,  i finlandesi amano le auto vintage!  Le amano a tal punto che le commercializzano (oggigiorno specialmente sul web),  facendo compravendite con tutto il mondo;  se le portano a casa,  le curano come tesori,  le allestiscono a loro piacimento (si chiama: “car tuning”) e se le godono per tutta l’estate.

Si,  perche’ spesso queste auto sono solamente un passatempo estivo,  da Aprile a Settembre,  in quanto spesso sono sprovviste delle dotazioni invernali necessarie nel clima del nord Europa.  Per cui appaiono sulle strade con la primavera;  naturalmente anche l’assicurazione viene stipulata solo per la durata di pochi mesi.

Per quanto riguarda le tasse automobilistiche,  va detto che in Finlandia le auto sono gia’ tassate moltissimo al momento dell’acquisto:  il prezzo di un’auto nuova e’ circa un terzo in piu’ di quanto costa in Italia;  poi esiste la cosiddetta tassa d’uso,  una tassa annuale il cui ammontare dipende dalla cilindrata e dal rateo d’inquinamento prodotto dall’auto.  Infine:  qui esiste ancora la soprattassa per il diesel.




Nelle mie foto:  sopra una Fiat 850 dal gradevole colore turchese e qui sotto una Buick con dei curiosi tasti blocca-portiere a forma di dado…





Midsummer Cars.     

As you have assumed from former posts in my blog,  Finnish people love vintage cars!  They buy and sell them (nowadays especially via web),  they take care of them,  customize them with appropriate car tuning and enjoy them all summer long.

As a matter of fact,  vintage cars are mostly just a summer hobby,  as often these cars do not possess a winter equipment suitable in the nordic climate.  In Finland vintage cars are used roughly from April to September and of course car insurance has limited validity too.  Amazing to say:  spring is here when you see the first vintage car on the road.

As regards car tax in general,  in Finland it works like this:  you pay an annual car tax which amount depends on your engine power and level of pollution caused.  The biggest amount of money,  however,  is paid at the moment of purchase:  car prices are one third higher than in Italy,  for instance.   Diesel cars have to pay still an extra yearly tax.

In my shots:  an old Fiat 850 in a lovely turquoise colour and a Buick with funny dice-shaped door locks.




Linked to:  WATW.  My Corner of the World.  Willy-Nilly Friday.  Friday Bliss.

35 risposte a "Auto di mezza estate."

  1. When our son was younger we used to visit shows of vintage cars. We used to live in a neighborhood where some neighbors worked on an old vintage car and renewed all the parts, and made them look like new (they were the kind that worked on it every day:) ) The Fiat is a beauty, although the second one looks in excellent condition too! Hope I’ll see you back in a few days at All Seasons! Have a great weekend:)

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  2. Vintage cars can be so much fun. There are people here who collect them and only bring them out when the sun shines in the summer, too.
    The colour of the Fiat is beautiful. The first car I can remember in my family when I was a very little girl was white and turquoise.

    Piace a 1 persona

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