Nel sole.

nelsoleX (1)


Nelle tiepide giornate di primavera,  ogni posto è buono per i gatti per appisolarsi al sole:  i gradini della casa di campagna…



…o le condotte d’irrigazione per i campi,  ancora in disuso dopo la stagione invernale.

(Il titolo del post l’ho rubato alla celebre canzone di Al Bano).

In the Sunshine.       

During mild spring days,  every place is suitable for cats to take a short nap in the open sunshine:  either the steps of a country house…or some water pipes,  still empty after the winter season.

(The title of the post in Italian is a famous song by Al Bano).



Linked to:  Saturday’s Critters.  All Seasons.

30 risposte a "Nel sole."

  1. Hello, the kitty is cute. They do love laying in the sunshine. I do not blame them, I love the sunshine too. Great series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day. Wishing you a great weekend. PS, thanks for the visit and comment on my blog.

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. This is a fun post! Great you caught both cats napping! The first one has beautiful colors of fur. The wall in your first image is amazing! many thanks for sharing these details with all Seasons and hopefully have a sunny week!

    Piace a 1 persona

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