E’ nato un bimbo!

fiocchi (1)

Oggi un post che e’ una curiosita’ per i miei lettori finlandesi,  i quali non hanno questa abitudine:  quando nasce una nuova vita noi in Italia esponiamo un bel fiocco rosa o azzurro alla finestra.  In realta’ sembra che la tradizione sia nata in Oriente come volonta’ di attirare le forze del bene sul nuovo arrivato,  semplificandosi poi nel tempo,  fino a diventare oggi soltanto un messaggio di benvenuto e di piacevole condivisione del lieto evento.

Nelle mie foto alcuni esempi di nastri piu’ o meno elaborati.

fiocchi (2)

fiocchi (3)

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fiocchi (5)

fiocchi (6)

fiocchi (7)

fiocchi (8)



A Baby is born!      

Today a curiosity for my Finnish readers,  who certainly do not have this habit:  when a baby is born,  in Italy we hang a big ribbon with a pink or blue bow outside our windows.  Probably we got this tradition from the Far East,  where the bow was meant to attract good influences upon the newly born.  Throughout time this tradition has lost its meaning and nowadays it is just a way to share the good news and  greet:  welcome,  new baby!

In my shots a few examples of more or less elaborated decorations.




Linked to:  Floral Bliss.  Image-in-ing.  My Corner of the World.

50 risposte a "E’ nato un bimbo!"

  1. Congrats with the little baby girl! Hope we soon will see a photo from her at All Seasons:) since you have never missed, I went looking what was going on with you. Luckily it’s a happy occasion:):) Hugs, Jesh(Junieper)

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. Thank you for the lovely post, Luisella!
    You have a surprisingly large collection of photos of bows. 🙂 Unfortunately, they were not a very common view in a village I was living.

    Your current header photos, from Finland and Italy, are gorgeous!


    Piace a 1 persona

  3. some people in the US place large wooden stork signs on there front lawn, announcing the birth with some of the details. i don’t see it too often but i have aways thought it to be a cute idea!!

    the bows and ribbons are a great idea too…and the fact that it is widely done and a tradition!!

    Piace a 1 persona

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