Chi sverna sul Garda.

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A gennaio è facile vedere chi trascorre l’inverno nel mite microclima del lago di Garda:  non solo umani che possono permettersi una villa o una residenza da queste parti,  ma anche uccelli migratori che trovano qui abbastanza cibo per poter tornare al nord in primavera a riprodursi.  Fra i più numerosi:  i Fringuelli,  dalla livrea leggermente rugginosa e dal canto argentino,  nelle foto qui sotto.

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Altri piccoli volatili molto belli e variopinti,  col caratteristico musetto rosso,  che vivono in gruppi e che si incontrano sempre qui in inverno,  sono i Cardellini,  dal volo vivace. 




Il Batticoda (o Ballerina bianca) e’ un abitudinario da queste parti:  passa l’inverno “ballando” sui pontili.

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Il Picchio Muratore,  dal piumaggio dolcemente colorato di rosso,  blu,  bianco e nero.


Infine,  con mia grande sorpresa,  ho visto perfino un maschio di anatra Mandarina!  Probabilmente fuggito da qualche allevamento?  Chissà…dopotutto qui attorno ci sono innumerevoli agriturismo ed aziende agricole;  comunque la Mandarina è un uccello quieto e vive bene in mezzo ai Germani.  Sul Garda in inverno trova sicuramente cibo in abbondanza.  Guardate che meraviglia la sua livrea e che movimento aggraziato per abbeverarsi… Quale pittore avrebbe potuto dipingere con tanta maestria e fantasia il suo meraviglioso piumaggio?



Tutti si godevano gli stupendi tramonti di un gennaio mite e soleggiato.

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Who spends Winter in Garda.    

 Among the ones who can afford spending the winter season in the mild micro-climate of lake Garda,  there are not only whealthy humans,  but also some migratory birds,  who can find food all the time here,  before going back to the north for breeding,  in spring.

In my shots above:  some Chaffinches,  with their beautiful brownish rusty plumage.

Then we can find European Goldfinches,  who usually live in groups;  their flying style is brisk and quite unique.

The White Wagtail spends the winter here “dancing” on every pier.

The Nuthatch,  sweetly coloured in red,  blue,  white and black.

Finally,  to my enormous surprise,  this January I met a male of Mandarin duck!  Perhaps he had escaped from some breeding farm,  or farmhouse – true is that on the hills surrounding the lake there are a lot of holiday farms – anyway it was more than nice to admire his colourful plumage and his graceful movements!  (Could any painter depict those feathers with more fantasy and ability than Nature itself?)  He was at ease within the groups of Mallard ducks,  also because,  as I understand,  the Mandarin duck has quite a good character.  Here he will find enough food all winter long.

All were enjoying the stunning sunset on a mild January afternoon.



Linked to>  Saturday’s Critters.  WATW.  Willy-Nilly Friday.  Skywatch Friday.  WBW.

46 risposte a "Chi sverna sul Garda."

  1. I’m sure the birds enjoy the warmer climate as well as us humans! The mandarin duck in particular is beautiful, but it’s also nice to see the other little birds perched on the branches of trees around the lake.

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  2. Bellissime foto Luisella, brava! Le amiche gardesane mi hanno detto che la coloratissima anatra mandarina è stata introdotta volutamente tra la fauna lacustre da circa un paio d’anni 😃

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  3. Hello, I really enjoyed seeing your beautiful birds. The Mandarin Duck is gorgeous! Lovely sunset too. Great series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks for the comment on my blog.

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  4. Hi there ☀️
    I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog quite a lot and that I’ve nominated it for the Sunshine Blogger Award. You’ll find all the details in my latest blog post.
    Have a wonderful day 😘😘😘

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  5. So beautiful around the Garda Lake! Love the last capture of the duck – looks almost like it’s sculpted. The tiny black and white bird looks like on I have seen here in Yosemite Nat. Park! Must be nice to be able to escape to Italy if you get tired of the long winter in Finland:):) Such beauty on the water – many thanks for sharing it with us at All Seasons, Luisella:) Have a lovely week!

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