Il piccolo Hachiko.


Questo adorabile batuffolo bianco...ehm…cagnolino,  si chiama Hachiko:  proprio come il protagonista della tenera storia narrata anche nel famoso film con Richard Gere.  E’ di razza Akita inu ed è originario delle zone montane del nord del Giappone.  Gli Akita sono cani forti,  nel fisico e nel carattere ed essendo senza paura,  furono usati nei secoli per lo più per la caccia o i combattimenti,  anche al fianco dei Samurai;  ma sono anche fedeli e molto protettivi con il padrone.  Un Akita maschio pesa fino a 45 kg e puo’ nascere di 4 colori:  bianco,  rosso,  sesamo e tigrato.




This lovely little white ball …I mean…little puppy is Hachiko.  He bears the name of the dog-hero of that tender story we got to know in the famous 2009 movie with Richard Gere.  His breed is named Akita inu,  original of northern Japan.  The Akitas are very strong dogs,  in body and in temperament,  so they have been used for hunting or fighting purposes,  through the history.  They were loyal companions of the Samurai.  Nowadays the Akitas are appreciated for being affectionate guardians of their masters,  also because they are fearless and do not surrender in a fight.  An adult male Akita can weight up to 45kg and can have 4 standard different coat colours:  red,  brindle,  sesame and white.




Linked to:  Friday Bliss.  Willy-Nilly Friday.  Saturday’s Critters.  All Seasons.

47 risposte a "Il piccolo Hachiko."

  1. Adorable is the correct word! ❤
    I have read that the Akitas are not a breed for everyone, one must know how to train them, but they look really sweet, like all the spitz breeds in my opinion. 😊
    The film is beautiful… I always cry at the end.
    Have a lovely weekend! Baci!

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  2. Yes, adorable! wouldn’t think this puppy would be too heavy to be carried when it’s mature:) Of all the colors this dog comes in, I think white is the most beautiful! Many thanks for sharing this cutsyness of Hachiko with All Seasons:):) Enjoy your week!

    Piace a 1 persona

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