Cometa di Natale.


Buone Feste da Verona! 

Un augurio e un saluto a tutti,  all’ombra della gigantesca cometa che ogni anno precipita dall’Arena fino in piazza Brà,  nel cuore della mia città.  Non è la 46P/Wirtanen,  la splendida coda di luce che ha solcato i cieli in questi giorni,  ma per noi veronesi è senz’altro la “Cometa di Natale”!  AUGURI!!


Hyvää Joulunaikaa Veronasta!


Dear friends,  Happy Holidays from Verona!

Wishing you all the best with a few shots of the huge comet star that every year falls from the Arena into piazza Brà,  the main square of my hometown.  It is not so brilliant as the 46P/Wirtanen,  the wonderful comet that is travelling the skies in these days,  but for us in Verona it is certainly our “Christmas comet”.   Warm wishes!


Linked to:  WATW.  Skywatch Friday.  Friday Bliss.  All Seasons.

36 risposte a "Cometa di Natale."

  1. Thank you – wishing you a wonderful New Year too! That it may be your best one ever:):) It took me a few moments to understand the concept of the comet! An interesting view for All Seasons! The star is a very clever way to connect the old and the new!l Seeing people warmly dressed, it must be colder in your area too! Have a great first week of the year:)

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