Buon Ferragosto!

Bardol (15)

Un bel cagnolone che fa il bagno nel Garda:  quale migliore immagine per augurare a tutti voi un felice e magari rinfrescante Ferragosto?  Buona giornata!

(Pur non dimenticando tutto cio’ che di brutto succede nel mondo ogni giorno).


Happy Ferragosto!      In Italy it is today peak holiday season (as Midsummer in Scandinavia) and I would like to wish you all my readers a happy day with this joyful photo!  

(A prayer for everyone involved in disasters daily, in this big world).



29 risposte a "Buon Ferragosto!"

  1. Wishing you Buon Ferragosto. The dog in the photo is enjoying a refreshing swim.
    Praying for the people of Genoa and those involved in the tragic bridge collapse disaster.

    "Mi piace"

  2. Wishing you Buon Ferragosto. The dog in the photo is enjoying a refreshing swim. Praying for the people of Genoa and those involved in the tragic bridge collapse disaster.

    "Mi piace"

  3. Dear Linda, I was considering to cancel this post… but then I thought that every day disasters happen everywhere. Life is like that. Good and bad, unfortunately. We must just live! Thanks for your kind visit.

    "Mi piace"

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