Tramonto di mezza estate.

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Qui nel nord Europa in estate ci si deve accontentare del tramonto,  in quanto la notte non arriva proprio e nemmeno compaiono le stelle.  Vi propongo un tramonto di fine giugno con mezza luna:  almeno quella si vede! 

Tutto e’ cominciato da una passeggiata nel bosco di fronte a casa dopo cena…

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Midsummer Sunset.       

Here in the north in summer we can enjoy colourful sunsets,  but we cannot see stars in the sky because there is no night – no darkness.  Today I’ll share with you a few shots of a midsummer sunset,  during a walk through the forest opposite our house. 

At least we see the moon…



Linked to:  SkyWatch Friday.  Image-in-ing.

33 risposte a "Tramonto di mezza estate."

  1. The colourful evening sky shots are beautiful. A fascinating thought about not seeing the stars up in the North. However, it’s comforting to see the moon. Wishing you a good weekend.

    "Mi piace"

  2. Would like to be in the North, right now (it’s in the 90 degr. weather right now, even before noon) – beautiful and mysterious captures of the forest and the moon – beautiful. Many thanks for sharing these wonders of nature with All Seasons!
    Sorry you cannot see the stars – on clear nights we see millions right above our house – breath taking! Have a lovely week:)

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Oh yes! The night without night is something unique: your body is energetic even if you sleep only a few hours and you must remember to have dinner! All the opposite of winter. Thanks for you visit, Susan, have a good week!

    Piace a 1 persona

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