Nuvole bianche in giardino.


Non c’e’ giardino in Finlandia senza un albero di mele.  No:  esagero…volevo dire che chi ha spazio tradizionalmente lo destina ad un melo perche’ i frutti sono buoni,  perche’ non ha bisogno di molta manutenzione e perche’ quando fiorisce a primavera e’ una nuvola bianca bellissima.  A meta’ maggio quest’anno i meli e tutti gli alberi da frutta erano in fiore;  nelle mie foto potete vedere scorci di giardini con fioriture di…nuvole bianche.













In Finlandia le mele si possono coltivare senza problemi di clima fino nelle zone centrali del Paese;  piu’ a nord dipende molto dalla location,  se e’ piu’ o meno soleggiata,  protetta… Ci sono molti tipi di meli autoctoni.  Naturalmente viene praticata anche la coltivazione a scopo commerciale:  nel 2016 le statistiche davano per coltivati 666 ettari in tutto il Paese con una produzione totale che si aggirava sulle 2000 tonnellate. 


Questo e’ il nostro azzeruolo (Crataegus azarolus) in fiore:  con la presenza di due piccoli ospiti nelle ultime foto… (Chi e’ curioso di saperne di piu’ sull’azzeruolo,  puo’ leggere il mio post:  “Le mele dimenticate”)





White Clouds in the Garden.    

 In the gardens of Finnish people very probably you will find an apple tree:  it is a traditional plant which does not need particular care,  gives you very good fruits and gently blooms in spring with the enchanting aspect of a white cloud.  This year in mid-May all fruit trees were blooming:  in my photos you can see glimpses of gardens with…white clouds.

In Finland apples can be grown as north as the middle part of the country without problems;  there are also many native varieties.  If you go norther you need to keep your apple tree in a very protected and sunny place.  Of course apples are also grown in farmhouses for commercial purchase:  in 2006 production amounted to 2000 tons of product out of 666 cultivated hectares throughout the country.

In the last photos our apple tree just blooming (Crataegus azarolus) with some little guests in the very last ones…

(More info about our azarolus in my post:  “Le mele dimenticate”).




Linked to:  Floral Bliss. WATW.Linked to : All Seasons.

34 risposte a "Nuvole bianche in giardino."

  1. Blooming apple trees are the essence of the Finnish countryside. In my childhood home we had PLENTY of apple trees and my mother had her birthday in the beginning of June. The photos were always taken in front of the beautiful white apple blossoms<3

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  2. I was wondering what month you took photos of the apple blossom and then realised that it would be later the further north you go. The trees look homely in gardens where the houses are constructed of wood. I think you have a big, sheltered garden where you can grow fruit trees. It’s an uplifting sight to see the blossom and to think of the harvest later in the year.

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  3. Thanks so much for All Seasons! y favorite of all your beautiful captures is the second one, where the white building is shimmering through the apple blossoms:) In the USA we call this method “white on white!” Also love the cute orange VW car:) You will laugh when you read my story below.

    The apple tree has special memories for me personally. In art class (in high school) we were sent out to sketch a scene in town. I and my friends went to an apple orchard, it was soft sunny weather. I sketched, while talking. The last five minutes one of my friends called out, startled, I don’t have anything sketched yet! Teacher is gonna kill me (paraphrased). “Here – PLEASE” she begged, giving me her paper. I sighed, and drew a few lines.
    Handing in her paper, the teacher immediately said, “Who drew this??” pointing at me. My friend vehemently convinced, “No, it drew this.” He finally said, “Okay -this time you can get by with it (I saw on his face he did not believe her.). Later I promised to myself and her, Never again!

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  4. You have touched a very special place in my heart – apple trees. We grew up with many of them in our yard … and at our new house, we have installed two apple trees – one in honor of each of my parents!

    "Mi piace"

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