Campanari spericolati.

(Scroll down for English version).


Cari lettori,  oggi vi porto in Umbria a vedere uno spettacolo davvero raro!  Piu’ precisamente siamo a Gubbio,  proprio nel cuore della regione,  praticamente nei luoghi di Don Matteo  (serie che viene trasmessa anche dalla tv finlandese).  I campanari di Gubbio sono “spericolati”,  perche’,  fedeli alla tradizione risalente al medioevo,  si arrampicano sulla torre del Palazzo dei Consoli per suonare il “Campanone” con mani e piedi,  anziche’ con lunghe corde stando a terra,  come succede solitamente nei campanili.  Il campanone viene suonato solo in precise importanti occasioni durante l’anno,  si dice sia la vera “voce di Gubbio” e diffonda gioia e serenita’ in tutta la vallata.  L’attuale campanone venne fuso e installato nel 1770,  ha un diametro di 1,43 metri,  e’ alto 1,52 metri,  pesa sui 300 kg e il suo bordo dista solo 7 cm dal muro della torre.  Se pensate che il Palazzo dei Consoli e’ alto oltre 60 metri ed e’ collocato sulla Piazza Grande,  che a sua volta e’ una piazza pensile,  davvero si arriva ad un’altezza considerevole.

La voce del campanone,  con vista della piazza,  la potete ascoltare QUI.














In queste ultime foto avete una visione generale della piazza terrazzata dove si trova il Palazzo dei Consoli. Nel link qui sotto invece,  trovate il calendario delle sonate…se vi va di fare un giretto da quelle parti.

Regardless of Peril.      

Dear readers,  today I’ll take you to Gubbio,  a nice little town in the region Umbria,  in the very heart of Italy.  In Gubbio a very successful Italian tv series was filmed:  “Father Matteo”.  Gubbio is very fond of its old traditions and today I’ll share with you this medieval technique of tolling bells by hands and feet,  instead of by long ropes.  The bell ringers must climb up the bell tower located on top of the Palazzo dei Consoli to perform;  if you consider that the Palazzo is over 60 metres high and is built on a hanging square,  you’ll realize how brave they have to be.  They toll a historical bell,  called the “Campanon”,  the “Big bell”,  which was installed in 1770,  (although the tradition dates back to the Middle Ages and through the history a few bells have been used);  its diameter is 1,43 metres,  its height 1,52 metres,  its weight about 300 kg and its edge is only 7 cm away from the tower wall.  This bell is taken is great consideration in the town and in the surrounding valley:  they call it the “voice” of Gubbio and they toll it on very special days around the year.

You can hear the voice of Gubbio in this short video clicking  HERE.

You can check the calendar of bell tolling in the following link:

Everyone’s invited to visit!


Linked to:  Skywatch Friday.  All Seasons.  Image-in-ing.  WATW.  Travel Tuesday.

38 risposte a "Campanari spericolati."

  1. What an interesting post, Luisella! The sound of the bell is beautiful. But I do hope the bell ringers wear ear protection! 🙂
    The piazza of the last photo is often seen in “Don Matteo”, isn’t it? Oh, I used to watch it. The story itself is lovely and Terence Hill is a wonderfully warm-hearted priest, but some of the characters are unbearably irritating. And why many of the carabinieri in the series are so stupid? I’m a big fan of the “Arma” (and have carabinieri in the family). 😀

    Have a lovely weekend! xx

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. Dear Sara, I do not follow Don Matteo’s adventures, but I know that many episodes were filmed in Gubbio. The dull carabinieri are a cliche, nothing else. I am looking forward to meeting you some day somewhere. Happy weekend to you! xx

    "Mi piace"

  3. Beautiful Roman style church, piazza and Interesting way to tol the bells here! From your photos it does not look like there’s much place to arrive at the bells:) Many thanks for capturing this tower and the bells in Umbria for All Seasons! Your comment was appreciated! Have a fun filled week!

    "Mi piace"

  4. Not a job for someone who is afraid of heights, like me! I am glad you included the distance shots to give us perspective on how far they are off the ground! Have a wonderful week!

    "Mi piace"

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