Una donna adulta.

I finlandesi sono sicuramente un popolo di amanti della musica.  Oggi parliamo di musica melodica,  esattamente della cover che fu fatta qui in Finlandia  negli anni ’80 di una famosissimo pezzo della nostra Loretta Goggi: “Maledetta primavera”,  portato al successo dalla cantante Paula Koivuniemi con il titolo di: “Aikuinen nainen”,  cioe’:  “Una donna adulta”.  Il pezzo ebbe uno strepitoso successo anche in Finlandia ed e’ tuttora uno dei brani piu’ cantati nei karaoke.

Qui di seguito le due versioni:

R-1546179-1364643337-5827.jpegPer ascoltare la canzone di Loretta,  cliccate  QUI.

1280x1280Per ascoltare la versione di Paula,  cliccate  QUI.

I testi delle due canzoni sono diversi per ovvie ragioni di metrica. Vi propongo qui di seguito quello di Paula in inglese (chi vuole puo’ usare il traduttore),  visto che le parole che canta Loretta Goggi le conosciamo bene.

 Ecco il testo di Paula:

The Grown Woman
I am a grown woman
I won’t be lost in the world’s winds anymore
Our union will intensify
I would like to continue
The journey well begun
When time brings the difficulties on our way
From happiness we make a protective wall
This love gives strength
Our happiness will last
We won’t let anything prevent that
I will give up much if I can keep you with me
I don’t want to deprive your freedom
Don’t want to deny your independence
I need you as my soulmate
A grown woman
We will share everything
We will support each other
The grown woman knows the value of the love
I won’t turn my back
I will fight for my happiness and won’t be afraid
By taking care of each other
We will handle the pressures
The waves won’t bring us down
From the winds I will take you to the shelter
If I may take you
I don’t want to deprive your freedom
Don’t want to deny your independence
I need you as my soulmate
The grown woman
We will share everything
We will support each other
The grown woman knows the value of the love
I need you as my soulmate
The grown woman
We will share everything
We will support each other
The grown woman knows the value of the love


An adult Woman.      

Today a musical post:  Finnish people like music and today I will share with you the Finnish cover of a very famous Italian hit of the 1980’s.  The title of the song in italian is:  “Maledetta primavera”,  which sounds like:  “Damned Spring”.  The singer’s name is Loretta Goggi.  In Finland the song was translated as:  “The grown woman”  and the singer’s name is:  Paula Koivuniemi.  The song became a major success in Finland as well and still nowadays it is very popular in karaoke.

You can listen to Loretta’s original clicking  HERE.

You will find Paula’s cover by clicking  HERE.

The two songs have different texts,  of course.  You can compare them:  just scroll up and you will find Paula’s,  whereas Loretta’s is here below.

Here’s Loretta’s text.

Damn Springtime.
Feeling like holding you and then
White wine, flowers and old songs
And we laughed at ourselves
What a swindle, damn springtime
What’s left of an erotic dream if
when you wake it has become a poem
if at empty hands from you
I don’t know how to act any more
as if it wasn’t love
If by mistake
I close my eyes and think of you
If to fall in love again
you will return damn springtime
What a swindle if
an hour is enough to fall in love
What hurry was there damn Springtime?
What hurry was there if only hurts me?
What is left inside me
of caresses that don’t touch the heart
of stars there is only one
That can give me
The measure of love
If by mistake
You close your eyes and think of me
If to fall in love again
you will return damn springtime
Who cares if
an hour is enough to fall in love
What hurry was there, damn springtime?
What hurry was there damned just like me…

(Le immagini sono prese dalla rete.  Image source:  internet).


13 risposte a "Una donna adulta."

  1. Le canzoni Italiane che vanno di più hanno sempre un fattore comune, essere semplici con un ritornello che si fa cantare a squarcia gola , le altre che ho sentito nei karaoke di mezzo mondo sono : o sole mio, volare, io vagabondo ..
    Bell’articolo .
    Ciao ^^

    Piace a 1 persona

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