Finestre Pasquali.

(Please scroll down for English version)IMG_6283cc

In giro per l’Italia in queste settimane pre-pasquali,  camminando sempre con il naso in su…







Auguro una Felice Pasqua a tutti!  Hyvää Pääsiäistä!

Dall’uovo di Pasqua
è uscito un pulcino
di gesso arancione
col becco turchino.
Ha detto: “Vado,
mi metto in viaggio
e porto a tutti
un grande messaggio”.
E volteggiando
di qua e di là
paesi e città
ha scritto sui muri,
nel cielo e per terra:
“Viva la pace,
abbasso la guerra”! (Gianni Rodari)

Easter-like Windows.    

Walking along city streets in Italy before Easter,  always nose-up…

Wishing a Happy Easter to all my readers!

A short poem by Gianni Rodari,  famous for his children’s books:  (translation is mine)

A chick jumped out of the Easter egg,

his body was orange, the bill was blue.

He cried: “I’ll start my journey today

I want to spread the news of the day.

He flew all over the world and beyond

he screamed to many and sang along,

he wrote on the walls ceaselessly:

End your wars, long live the peace!”


Linked to:  Floral Bliss – Kukkailottelua.

29 risposte a "Finestre Pasquali."

  1. beautiful signs of easter and spring!! i always enjoy window decor, hunting for it and photographing it, these images are wonderful!!!

    have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

    Piace a 2 people

  2. Such a cute post, with the cheerful chicken, the funny bunny and the beautiful eggs. Love both the lace bell and the pink one! Hope you had a lovely Easter! Many thanks for adding these lovely symbols and poem for All Season’s Easter! In Holland we have a 2nd Easter Day – in Finland too?
    Enjoy your week!

    Piace a 1 persona

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