Cibo d’emergenza.




Agli inizi di novembre,  in molti giardini della Finlandia compaiono contenitori come questi,  spesso a forma di casetta,  pieni di cibo d’emergenza per i piccoli volatili che non migrano.  D’estate infatti gli uccellini,  anche i piu’ piccoli come queste cince,  non hanno bisogno d’aiuto:  trovano nei boschi il cibo che gli serve;  ma quando inizia la stagione fredda  e tutto marcisce o gela o e’ ricoperto di neve,  diventa sempre piu’ difficile alimentarsi.  Cosi’ noi umani forniamo un piccolo aiuto con semi vari:  di girasole, d’avena,  grano,  arachidi o apposite palle di grasso che si acquistano gia’ pronte.





Anche i contenitori si trovano gia’ pronti in commercio e sono di vari materiali,  per lo piu’  legno o plastica:  le nostre due casette sono fatte in legno da Risto.  Ci sono regole ben precise da osservare perche’ siano idonee allo scopo:  bisogna che non ci siano fessure,  cosicche’ non entrino pioggia o neve;  bisogna che i semi possano scorrere agevolmente e non bloccarsi;  bisogna che gli spazi di manovra siano ridottissimi,  così da permettere l’accesso ai volatili piu’ piccoli e non a merli,  ghiandaie o corvi…che non hanno alcun bisogno di aiuto per cibarsi;  bisogna che gli uccellini siano in grado di prelevare i semi senza possibilmente lasciare deiezioni sul cibo.



Un’altra regola raccomandabile e’ piazzare queste casette in corrispondenza di alberi o cespugli,  in modo che i piccoli volatili possano rifugiarvisi se avvistano un predatore:  civette o sparvieri sono sempre in giro…li abbiamo avvistati anche nel nostro giardino piu’ volte.  Comunque anche il gatto di casa e’ predatore…non dimentichiamolo!






Emergency food.       From the beginning of November in many gardens in Finland you can see containers like these,  often shaped as small houses,  where some food is stowed for the small birds who do not migrate.  In the good season they do not need help:  in the woodlands they find easily their needs;  but when the bad season starts and everything in nature gets rotten or frozen or is covered with snow,  it gets difficult for them to find food.  We humans can be of help with some seeds -sunflower,  wheat or oats- or some balls of fat which we can buy ready made in the markets.

You can buy the feeders ready made as well;  they can be of different materials,  mostly wood or plastic:  our are handmade by my hubby.  For the welfare of the birds,  the containers must have  essential characteristics:  there must not be slots,  through which rain or snow may go in;  the seeds must flow easily and not get jammed;  they must be small enough not to allow access to bigger birds,  such as blackbirds,  jays or crows,  which do not need any feeding help;  the structure must allow small birds  get their food but not leave any droppings.

Last but not least,  it is better to place the feeders close to a tree,  some trees or at least a bush,  so that little birds can find shelter in case a predator is in view;  little owls and sparrowhawks are often around…we have seen them in action in our garden too.  Finally…don’t forget that yours or your neighbour’s cat is a predator as well!





Linked to:   Saturday’s Critters.  WBW.

15 risposte a "Cibo d’emergenza."

  1. Hello, the birds do need help during the winter months. This is a really nice feeder set up, I am sure the birdies are all happy there. Wonderful photos and cute birds. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I also appreciate your comment on my post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

    Piace a 1 persona

  2. Hello Luisella, your feeders look very well made… and pretty.
    Thank you for the great post! I totally agree with everything you wrote, except about blackbirds. In the last few years we have seen them in winter too, and we are very happy if we manage to offer something they like. They are less a nuisance than their cousins fieldfares and sing marvellously. 🙂 In our climate, with minimum temperatures even below -30 C, they do appreciate help from us.
    Happy weekend! xx

    Piace a 1 persona

  3. Hi Sara, I know what you mean… on the other hand, here in Somero the situation is not so desperate for blackbirds, but of course they eat what small birds drop. They are just boring when they scare smaller birds to get their food using their size as supremacy… But you are right: they sing beautifully! Happy weekend to you too! 🙂

    "Mi piace"

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