Rose inglesi.






Una rosa dal fascino indubbio:   la rosa inglese,  che ricorda una peonia,  va di moda nei giardini adesso.

Quest post e’ dedicato alla mia super-mamma, nel giorno del suo compleanno.

English roses.    Pure beauty:  old English roses (trying to look like peonies) are back in fashion now.

This post is dedicated to my super-mum on her birthday.

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7 risposte a "Rose inglesi."

  1. Hi again,
    I tried to add your blog to my reading list to my blog’s side bar, but somehow there appears a huge photo (an adorable baby <3). I had to remove your blog from the list. Do you have any idea where this problem comes?

    "Mi piace"

  2. Hi Riitta, I don’t know how it works exactly when you are working with Blogspot and I am working with WordPress, but I am having difficulty commenting on your blog, too. Little by little I will learn how to manage. Anyway I am following you and a few other Finnish bloggers with interest.

    My correct link is:

    Thanks for your attention anyway! Luisella

    On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 12:06 PM, Tra Italia e Finlandia wrote:

    > riitta k commented: “Hi again, I tried to add your blog to my reading list > to my blog’s side bar, but somehow there appears a huge photo (an adorable > baby where this problem comes?” >

    "Mi piace"

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