Cogli la prima mela…

*please scroll down for English version*mele (15)cc

Le mele…che delizia!  Frutti buoni,  sani,  dolci,  multiuso:  non solo da mangiare crudi,  ma per farcirci le torte piu’ semplici e succulente!

In Finlandia e’ possibile coltivare mele per lo piu’ nella zona sud,  perche’ poi gli inverni diventano troppo rigidi,  a meno di tenerle in un angolino protetto.  Ma non c’e’ casa di campagna,  o villetta singola con giardino,  che non abbia un melo.

Queste belle,  rosse,  pittoresche,  natalizie,  appartengono ad un mio vicino:  sono state sorprese ancora sull’albero dalle prime nevicate di novembre 2016 e il gelo le fatte arrossire,  prima di farle marcire.

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Piu’ tardi,  a dicembre,  le mele erano ancora sull’albero,  ma avevano cambiato aspetto.

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(Il titolo del post e’ una conosciutissima canzone di Angelo Branduardi).

Grab the first Apple.  

Apples are good and healthy,  a lot of different specialties are made with apples.  Winters are too rigid in the north of Finland to grow apple trees,  or you must keep them in protected places,  but here in the south there is no garden without one.  The gorgeous,  picturesque,  Christmas-red apples in the photos belong to my neighbour’s garden:  the early frost has surprised them still on the tree and has coloured them shining red before freezing them.

(The title of the post is an Italian song by Angelo Branduardi).



Linked to:  Christmas Bliss.  All Seasons.

16 risposte a "Cogli la prima mela…"

  1. Hi, Kelleyn, I don’t know if all the apples were left or if they picked some…anyway many people decide to leave apples for the deers, as helping food. Have a serene Advent and thanks for your visits!

    "Mi piace"

  2. Oh the snow already fell! A perfect contrast of red and white in color, and weather wise! Your second capture is so artistic! What do people usually do with the apples when this happens – pick them, or…?
    Love you brought this “problem” of the season to us! Stay warm:)

    Piace a 1 persona

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